Salvation is what God has done for humanity through Christ. Throughout the Bible, we see God saving his people. From the first book of the Bible (Genesis), we see God proclaiming the salvation of his people through the promised seed. This seed is Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world. God didn't stop there but he raised Christ from the dead to receive his life and death as satisfying events of his wrath. God sent Jesus to save us from ourselves, sin, the world and the wrath to come.
What is Sin?
Sin is disobedience to a merciful, loving and righteous God. It offends Him and it is harmful to humanity. The gospel of Christ is good news to the world. God's wrath upon all humanity is bad news but Jesus came and delivered to us good news that salvation is available to all who believes and repent. Jesus is that good news. A good life does not prevent God from pouring his wrath upon his creation. The only thing that saves is the life and death of God's beloved son, Jesus Christ. Christ's life was sinless and pleasing to God. His death was a vicarious death. Jesus didn't die for himself but humanity.
Is it God's will for me to be saved?
It is the will of God for all to be saved. We are saved from our sins and God's wrath. God's wrath is a very real thing. God hates sin and will punish it according to his righteous judgement. Anyone who refuses to embrace the salvation that's in Jesus will experience God's wrath on the day of Judgement. We are saved from our sins and saved to a living and vibrant relationship and fellowship with the triune God. To be saved is not to have an improved life or a renovated life but to become something that you were never before which is a new creature in Christ Jesus.
Your Steps to Salvation
Salvation isn't as hard as some have suggested. It is simply an acknowledgement of your need for Christ and your recognition of having lived an offensive life that separates you from God. It is understanding that without Christ we are doomed and have no hope in this life or in the life to come. We are inherently evil because of the sin nature that dwells in all humanity through the fall of Adam.
Adam was the first man on the earth. God gave him specific instructions and Adam and his wife Eve violated those instructions. At that point, humanity fell from a state of righteousness to a state of sin. Sin entered into humanity and this world. It’s through sin (disobedience) that sickness, disease, famine, and everything associated with evil came into this world. Adam and his wife were driven out of the place God created for them. Sin separates us from a holy God. God didn’t stop the story there but made a promise to send his Son to save them and their offsprings from the punishment of their evil actions. ”
After acknowledging your sins and need for Christ, the next step is to turn from your life of sin and disobedience. This is what the Bible calls repentance. Repentance is a gift from God that is given to all who ask. By the grace of God, you turn from sin and receive God's Son, Jesus into your life. You do this by placing your faith in Christ and his resurrection. God the Father raised Christ from the dead. It's in Christ's death that our sins are buried with him and in his resurrection we become brand new creatures. He took our sins and gave us his righteousness. He became what we were so we could become what He is, a Son of God. Those who receive the finished work of the cross become sons and daughters in the Son.
The next step is the confession with your mouth that Christ Jesus is Lord. This is where your salvation begins. Your confession needs to be before God and before people. Say with your mouth that God has raised Christ from the dead and that He is Lord. According to Romans 10:9-10, you shall be saved. It doesn't matter what you feel when you make this decision. It is based solely on the grace of God and your faith in the living Christ.
How to Pray
Romans 10:13 says whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Call upon the Lord and watch the saving power of Jesus save you from your sins right now. It is that simple. A prayer doesn't save us, but our faith in Christ does. A prayer is a way to release your faith in Christ. If you would like to become a Christian, you can right now by simply putting your trust in Christ by saying this faith filled prayer:
“Father God, I acknowledge my sins and ask you to forgive me. I believe that you sent Jesus to die in my place. I acknowledge my need for Him. I believe with all my heart that you raised Christ from the dead so I can become justified before your sight. I receive Christ as my Lord and Savior as well as my substitute. I say with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and that Jesus is my Lord. I divorce my old life of sin and embrace my new life in Christ. I thank you Father for providing salvation for me through your Son, Jesus Christ. I declare before heaven, earth and hell this day that I am saved. I am sealed by the precious Holy Spirit and my name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. I am forever your child. I am saved. I am a child of God. I am free from sin. Thank you Jesus for saving me. This I pray in Jesus’ name.”
If you prayed this prayer in faith, you are a child of God. You are saved. Welcome to the family of God. Your next step is tell everyone you know that you belong to God now and that Jesus is your Lord. Find a Bible believing and Bible teaching church. If you live in the Perth Amboy area, feel free to come to our church. We would love to send you information about what to do next now that you are saved. Email us at with your name, phone, and physical address, or fill out our online form.